Assalam oalaikum,
Ilm-e-zaicha or a birth chart is also known by several other names such as natal chart, horoscope, natus, nativity etc. In this field it is essential to know about one’s constellation. When a person performs the amal of love (hoob) or enmity (judai) it is imperative for the amil to know the constellation of the person on whom the amal is to be done.
Here is the method of finding out the constellation of a person:
First of all calculate the total value of that person’s name and the name of his/her mother.
Divide the total by 12
If the remainder is 1 then it means that the constellation is Aries
If the remainder is 2 then it means that the constellation is Taurus
If the remainder is 3 then it means that the constellation is Gemini
If the remainder is 4 then it means that the constellation is Cancer
If the remainder is 5 then it means that the constellation is Leo
If the remainder is 6 then it means that the constellation is Virgo
If the remainder is 7 then it means that the constellation is Libra
If the remainder is 8 then it means that the constellation is Scorpio
If the remainder is 9 then it means that the constellation is Sagittarius
If the remainder is 10 then it means that the constellation is Capricorn
If the remainder is 11 then it means that the constellation is Aquarius
If the remainder is 12 then it means that the constellation is Pisces
For example, in order to know about the constellation of Ahmed we will have to find the value of his name first.
Alif: 1
Bade hay: 8
Min: 40
Dal: 4
The value of Ahmed’s name will be 53.
If the name of Ahmed’s mother is Anam, then her name’s value will be:
Alif: 1
Noon: 50
An: 70
Min: 40
Her name’s total value is 161.
When we add the values of both the names we get 214.
On dividing 214 with 12 we get the 10 as the remainder.
Therefore, Ahmed’s zodiac sign will be Capricorn.
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